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Litigation Support Services

Medical Records Summarization Services

Pacific Data Labs has been providing Litigation Support Services to a number of copying companies, medical records custodians, solo lawyers, law firms, corporate counsels and in-house counsels for managing their documents. We can provide assistance for a specific projects or on-going processes and provide Medical Summ arization, Medical Indexing or Deposition Summarization with competitive pricing. Other than handling legal related processes and documents, we also assist our clients in managing their data piles by digitizing and archiving them with our customized Document Management Solutions.

Our service offerings:

  • Medical Summarization
  • Deposition Summarization
  • Indexing Services

Medical Summarization

We have expertise in summarizing personal injury, medical malpractice and Workmen's compensation case, our team is inherently aware of medical record summarization because of its exposure to Medical Transcription. The team works round the clock to ensure timely delivery of services and is equipped to deliver finished documents within the client's stipulated time.

Our expertise in Medical Summarization is listed below however not limited to:

  • Review of Past Injuries & Pre-existing Medical Conditions
  • Summary of visited private doctors and hospitals
  • Summary of the Medical treatment and Recommendations for an expert opinion
  • Summarization for Subpoena

Deposition Summarization

We provide clear and concise summaries of depositions, summarization work is reviewed by attorneys and each deposition summary passes through several quality audits to ensure accuracy and quality. We can customize the formats of the deposition summaries to meet the needs our customer. We provide expert deposition summarization services to law firms, solo lawyers and corporate counsels.

Our Deposition summaries include:

  • Chronological summary
  • Subject matter summary
  • Topic index and Narrative summary

Indexing Services

Our Indexing services help our customers to create Indexes for their medical documents, legal documents and documents that run in to several hundred pages. We create precise indexes using words from the documents, making them easier to refer. If required we provide indexed documents with bookmarks for easy navigation.

Litigation Support Services HIPAA Compliance & Delivery Solutions

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