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Document Management Solutions

document management solutions

XML Conversion

Unlock the value of your print or electronic archival material. Convert your archived content to a digital format that will ensure your archives are searchable, easily accessible, stable and secure – irrespective of how technology advances – and profitable. By converting your archives to XML in particular, we can help you create a durable digital repository in which you can store and retrieve all your content easily and quickly. XML also allows you to enrich your content with hyperlinks, references, bookmarks and so on. Pacific Data Labs uses a automated process to convert all of your hard-copy books, journals and magazines into soft-copy formats. Our team is also well experienced in capturing your most delicate and valuable archived materials and return it to you undamaged. We use sophisticated conversion tools and the QC tools to ensure higher levels of quality while delivering. We can deliver your files as PDFs, XML, HTML or SGML as per your needs.

ePub & eBook Creation

Reach new markets by digitizing and enriching your printed content. Give us your print files and we will convert them into an eBook, ready to be sold in this new and exciting market. Your content will reach new, digital-savvy markets globally and thus open new doors for you.

We create ebooks from print or we can convert your content to any eBook format—from ePub to Amazon's MOBI to VBK — to suit the eReaders, you need your books to be available in a compatible format, including the iPad, Nook, Kindle and Sony Reader. For computer-based reading, we convert to PDF or HTML as required. Whatever format your books are currently in, Pacific Data Labs can turn them into eBooks quickly with competitive pricing. For hard-copy inputs we have high-quality scanners to digitize the content before we take it through our eBook workflow; we can also handle any form of electronic input, from application files to PDF to XML. Our eBook creation process benefits from several years of fine-tuning, making it as robust and fast as possible. We first convert all your inputs to the ePub format, the basis of all other eBook formats, using an automated process assisted by especially developed in-house tools. We then carry out the quick and simple second-step conversion to the format of your choice. Thanks to the efficiency and simplicity of this workflow, we are able to ramp up at great speed to process higher volumes.

Catalogue / Magazine Conversion

We update databases for manufactures on their data as well as create a high resolution images for magazine contents. We create catalogues for publishing houses and provide them with templates for updating or changing the content. We also provide catalogue up-datation services for publishing houses.

Data Capture & Conversion

Pacific Data Labs can take any type of print or electronic input and convert it into the format of your choice. We work with a vast range of content types and formats and can handle any type of conversion, including DTD to DTD, Web-based conversion and XML/SGML and HTML projects. We can also handle eBook conversion for all formats. Pacific Data Labs boasts a suite of well-honed tools that equip us for conversion projects that require a fast ramp up for high-volume inflows. We can handle any kind of multilingual data conversion. Our data capture services include keyboarding, scanning and OCR, and image processing.

Keyboarding - Keyboarding, manually keying in the content of a hard-copy document is the safest way to digitize fragile material and handwritten manuscripts. Pacific Data Labs also offers a double keying service for greater accuracy.

Scanning & Image processing

We are equipped with the best high-speed scanning and optical character recognition (OCR) tools and systems available, our data capture team is also well trained in the various methods needed for capturing different types of hard-copy material, both text and images. Depending on the type, size and age of the paper, we employ the most suitable hardware to meet your requirement. We are also equipped to clean the image files after scanning to create PDFs of the resolution you require.

Quality Audit Services

In addition to our data conversion services, we can also validate material which has been converted elsewhere. Our team has the skills and experience to audit any type of content that has been converted or processed into XML or ePub files to check how well its integrity has been maintained. Using proprietary QC tools, we take your content through a thorough checking procedure and supply you with the error log.

Document Management Solutions HIPAA Compliance & Delivery Solutions

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